LED dimmer noise

My cheap AliExpress LED dimmers are noisy. Not audibly, but they output a lot of EMI (?).

One of my (triac?) dimmers has multiple Philips bulbs on it. When I turn it on, I can hear a loud chopping noise on my headphone amp.

Another dimmer is in the same socket as the amplifier for my speakers, and the cables run closely parallel to each other. When I use this dimmer, I can hear the same chopping noise on my speakers, and at a little lower volume I can hear it on my headphones too.

I’m thinking of modifying the dimmers by adding a coil to them. I’ve never used them before but I have a big box of de-soldered ones from when I first got a soldering iron and liked to disassemble things.

What I need, short of getting better dimmers, is probably a lamp debuzzing coil in series. There might not be enough space in the little dimmer modules to add an inductor, though. The dimmer running to multiple bulbs already has a junction box that I can put it in, so I can experiment with that one first. The coil should go on the load side (or at least not between the dimmer and the load).

I have no idea how to calculate the ideal inductance value, and I probably can’t even measure the inductance of the ones I have, so I should just experiment with a few different ones to see which solve the problem without affecting the dimming.

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